From the news, people who have not drinking water for many years have caused their blood to thicken and become paralyzed, with cerebral infarction and brain swelling. In fact, the cause may be from the sugar, fat, and salt in the drink.
The Mor Wer page provides additional information that . It is true that a lack of water can cause the blood to thicken. But not drinking water and drinking other beverages instead of water for many years does not cause the body to become dehydrat. Because every beverage or liquid สนใจสมัคร? คลิกที่นี่เพื่อเริ่มต้น that is drunk has water in it. When drunk, the large intestine will absorb and separate only the water.
Therefore, if you drink other types of beverages. Even if they are not water, but if you drink enough water per day. It may not cause your body to become dehydrated and your blood to thicken.
However, the thickening of the blood in the case of drinking other beverages instead of plain water may come from the beverages mixe with a lot of sugar, fat or salt. If you drink beverages with these ingredients in large quantities or continuously for a long period of time. It may lead to thickening of the blood.
Normally, our blood consists of plasma and blood cells. However, if the blood contains high levels of fat or sugar, it may cause the blood to thicken. Especially people with an abnormal number or shape of red blood cells, it may make it even more difficult for the blood to circulate. In particular, patients with diabetes are at greater risk than usual and may cause other diseases to follow.
Therefore, sugar, fat or salt in drinks are the main causes of thick blood. Including diseases related to blood circulation and blood vessels. And even drinking enough water to meet the body’s needs. But if you drink drinks or eat foods that contain a lot of sugar. Fat or salt for a long time, you may be at risk of thick blood until it becomes a block blood vessel in the brain.